Saturday, December 8, 2012

The wonders of drugs!

It's not much of a secret that I have social anxiety disorder, and a mild case of depression (according to the DSMV IV it's not Major Depression because the symptoms don't last as long as two weeks). It makes parties a hi-LAR-ious time! I've sought treatment for it in the past. It's been a long time since I last took medication, about three, four years now? I had to stop because of my insurance coverage changing, and the name-brand costs went straight the fuck up. The name-brand was the only effective drug for my depression and anxiety, otherwise I'd have used the generics from the start.

By the time this happened, I was receiving better results from talking with my counselor, and it felt like the Wellbutrin was losing its effectiveness. I thought I could handle my shit with counseling alone, and for a while I was. But then we lost touch when my counselor moved offices, and admittedly I didn't go to extraordinary lengths to resume the session, feeling that lately there wasn't any progress being made.

Yeah, I was a fucking genius.

Last month I decided to resume taking medication. The coverage issue had not changed, name brand scripts are still overpriced, so I asked my doctor instead to prescribe the generic for it, Bupropion. It took me a few more weeks to work up the nerve to finally open the pill bottle. That was Sunday night.

I'm told that it takes a couple weeks for Wellbutrin to show its effectiveness when you start taking it. Honestly though, there's already been noticeable affects, even only a couple days after taking it. I started writing much more frequently, updating the movie blog almost daily when before it maybe a couple times a month. I had a nervous tic, plucking hairs, and it became much less frequent in occurance. Fantastic.  I feel as though the intensity range of my mood has narrowed. I feel more balanced and in control of myself.
I don't feel like a new man, though. I don't feel a dullness in my thoughts, or a loss in sex drive. I just feel alright. Let's see where this goes.

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