Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Lazy (Kitty) Song

I hate you, Bruno Mars. I hate your music, your lyrics, and that ridiculous pompadour.

BUT. The Lazy Song pretty much encapsulates my cat, every goddamn day...and suddenly I'm writing FILK. Please somebody kill me.

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay on your bed
Don't feel like moving from your spot
You left it comfy, nice and hot
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything.

I'm gonna roll on my back
Put my paws in the air
waive 'em around like I just don't care
No human's gonna tell me I can't

I'll be lounging on the couch,
leaving hair everywhere
cleaning off my paws, sniffing smells in the air
'Cause I'm indoors and still wanna kill!

Oh, yes I said it
I meant it
I'll stalk and eat my fill!

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay on your bed
Don't feel like moving from your spot
You left it comfy, nice and hot
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything.

Nothing at all!
Meow, meowmow, Meow meowmow
Nothing at all
Meow, meowmow, Meow meowmow

Tomorrow I'll wake up and hop on the bed
Get up in the human's face, see if he's dead
And if he is I'll eat him for brunch (oh so yummy this brunch!)

I might sneak around, hang out near the door
Try to slip out and explore some more
Then the human opens a can full of lunch

Oh, yes I said it
I meant it
I'll stay and eat my fill!

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay on your bed
Don't feel like moving from your spot
You left it comfy, nice and hot
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything.

No, I ain't gonna clean my fur
And I ain't gonna even purr
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I'll just strut like I own the place
And flick my tail all in your face
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay on your bed
Don't feel like moving from your spot
You left it comfy, nice and hot
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything.

Nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at all 

*Sigh* I hang my head in shame. Ah well, back to that short story about a funeral...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The wonders of drugs!

It's not much of a secret that I have social anxiety disorder, and a mild case of depression (according to the DSMV IV it's not Major Depression because the symptoms don't last as long as two weeks). It makes parties a hi-LAR-ious time! I've sought treatment for it in the past. It's been a long time since I last took medication, about three, four years now? I had to stop because of my insurance coverage changing, and the name-brand costs went straight the fuck up. The name-brand was the only effective drug for my depression and anxiety, otherwise I'd have used the generics from the start.

By the time this happened, I was receiving better results from talking with my counselor, and it felt like the Wellbutrin was losing its effectiveness. I thought I could handle my shit with counseling alone, and for a while I was. But then we lost touch when my counselor moved offices, and admittedly I didn't go to extraordinary lengths to resume the session, feeling that lately there wasn't any progress being made.

Yeah, I was a fucking genius.

Last month I decided to resume taking medication. The coverage issue had not changed, name brand scripts are still overpriced, so I asked my doctor instead to prescribe the generic for it, Bupropion. It took me a few more weeks to work up the nerve to finally open the pill bottle. That was Sunday night.

I'm told that it takes a couple weeks for Wellbutrin to show its effectiveness when you start taking it. Honestly though, there's already been noticeable affects, even only a couple days after taking it. I started writing much more frequently, updating the movie blog almost daily when before it maybe a couple times a month. I had a nervous tic, plucking hairs, and it became much less frequent in occurance. Fantastic.  I feel as though the intensity range of my mood has narrowed. I feel more balanced and in control of myself.
I don't feel like a new man, though. I don't feel a dullness in my thoughts, or a loss in sex drive. I just feel alright. Let's see where this goes.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

God is apparently my co-pilot now...

...because my movie co-contributor has been raptured! Wawawa waaaaaaah!

Ok, not raptured, just busy training in a new job... new boyfriend... new direction in her life... suffice to say I'm anticipating a long hiatus while she adjusts. It's a good thing she added me as a contributer to the review blog, seeing as it's hers, otherwise it'd probably gather dust till it was finally deleted.

She's also the only one following THIS blog (hi Kat *waives*), so one would probably ask why am I talking about this in this fashion instead of to her? Because she's busy. I don't feel neglected, or abandoned, or distant or anything. That's just silly.  No, she's just busy getting her ducks in a row. And it's cool, I'm keeping the theater seats warm. It gives me something to focus on, keep me thinking and creating, so everybody wins.